What's a monster? No, not the energy drink. Do you have to be able to see it for it to be there? Do you have to know it's there?
I believe monsters are everywhere and everything. Your spouse could be a monster, but you're too blinded by love and emotion. Nothing defines a monster. I believe everyone is a good person. Even if they do bad things, they had a reason, but everyone was either too scared, prideful, or narcissistic to question their reasoning. No one put on their shoes and walked their life. We might not agree with their reason why, but that doesn't make them a monster. People think a monster is a person that has a different opinion than the rest and they are too stubborn to accept change. So they label change a monster.
I've been labeled a monster many times. For being lesbian, my opinions, the way I go about life, even for the way I dressed. People believe that a monster has to be scary, but monsters only appear as we think they are, not as they are.