Hello! I would love it if you could help me out with some quotes for my Daily Quote Evals on my blog. I found 10 quotes by some famous people that I believe are good, but that is my opinion. I want to hear what you think about the quotes. I want to see how they would relate to other people. When answering this form, please be 100% honest and serious and not put any silly answers. Any inappropriate answers by any means could get me in trouble. If you put in any silly or inappropriate responses, you will receive an email from me asking you to refill your form. Please put thought into your answers and not put short responses like "I agree/disagree" or "I like/dislike it" or "IDK" and other answers like that. Once you've given your opinion on all 10 quotes, you will be asked which one was your favorite, if you have any quotes you'd like to share, and what genre of quotes you'd like me to do more of.
I'd be happy to answer any questions you may have, you just have to ask!
Sincerely, The Creator! <3